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Spelgillet / The Gaming Guild

University level gaming

Spelgillet / The Gaming Guild is a Student Association at Malmö University and an affiliated association of Malmö Brädspelsförening.

We host Game Nights on Thursdays from 16:00 to 22:00 at Kölsvinet, at the Malmö University campus. We focus on being open for everyone regardless of background and therefore use English as a ‘lingua franca’ for the ease of new students.

We offer ‘fika’ at every Game Night as well as help with rules, setting up games and a generally creating a good mood.


Join Spelgillet / The Gaming Guild!

This button will take you to the sign-up of Malmö Brädspelsförening, since Spelgillet / The Gaming Guild is a sub-association of them. Simply follow the sign-up steps and in the last step “Bli även medlem i en avdelning” – select Spelgillet in the dropdown. Thank you!